
IRS Negotiation

Our Mission is to help save you thousands of dollars with the aid of our tax experts, programs, and resources.

Negotiation with the IRS-is it possible?

Negotiating with the IRS is possible. If you are going to negotiate with the IRS, it should be done so in a timely manner. Putting dealing with your tax debt on hold can cost you thousands more. Not only will penalties incur, but the IRS will take enforcement actions against you to secure the debt. The IRS will come at you with liens, tax levies, and garnish your wages. This will also take a toll on your credit score. 

The following are some of the ways to negotiate with the IRS:

penalty abatement
  • Negotiation with the IRS to lower or remove penalties and interest that you have incurred
penalty extension
  • If your debt is fairly new, you can negotiate with the IRS to give you an extension to pay your debt which will prevent any enforcement actions
penalty payment agreement
  • This is very similar to a payment plan, however with partial payment, the IRS is accepting less than the amount owed
offer in compromise (OIC)
  • This is negotiation with the IRS to drastically lower your debt
Currently not collectible
  • in some cases, the IRS may drop all enforcement actions against you due to your financial hardships

Negotiating with the IRS on your own is possible, however we urge you to consult a tax expert. At Safeway Tax Relief we have some of the most professional tax experts in the business. Our recourses are exceptional and our team is tenacious. 

Tips for negotiating

There are ways to reduce your debt with the IRS. Before you start negotiating with the IRS, be sure to have all the appropriate documentation to present to them. These documents include your tax records, banking statement, monthly expenses, pay stubs and any other notices you’ve received from the IRS. If you owe a high amount of tax debt, you should defiantly not handle it alone.

The higher the amount, the more difficult it will be to defend your case to the IRS on your own. Before going with a tax relief company, it would be a good idea to gather data on them. There are many fraudulent tax relief companies out there that do not have their clients interest as a priority. At Safeway Tax Relief, we will provide you with any necessary proof of service before you pay anything!

Tax Debt is a stressful topic, however the longer you put it on hold, the more aggressive the IRS will be on obtaining that debt. Take swift action to get your financial freedom today and peace of mind. 

liens and negotiating

The limit for filing a federal tax lien notice is $10,000.  You’ll be able to get the lien removed once your balance is completed paid off or you get your balance under $25,000 while having it in a Direct Installment Agreement. 

Fresh start for small businesses

small businesses can set up a two year payment plan to pay down their tax debt if the amount is $25,000 or less. Speak with one of our tax experts today regarding small business help.  

ready for tax relief?

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